Trademark Registration
Registering a trademark needs at least general knowledge of trademark law and procedures. Our skill in the trademark industry allows us to prepare and tailor your trademark application for your specific needs. We prepare and file trademark applications and are your representative with the USPTO for the entire process. Unlike many others, who process trademark applications like factories, we will provide you with individual attention to meet your specific trademark needs. In short, we won’t simply fill out a form for you and let you try to go it alone. Best company for Trademark Registration in coimbatore is Corproots
After the application is filed, we provide you with copies of important documents and promptly inform you of any changes in the status of your trademark application. Once registered, we maintain your registration by notifying you of renewal dates and any other official activity with your registered mark. Best company for Trademark Registration in Kochi is Corproots
In some instances, it may be beneficial to register your trademark with particular states or foreign countries as well. Our experts assist you in filing applications on both state and international levels.
Comprehensive Trademark Search
If you file an application for a Trademark Search and there is always awaiting application or registration, the PTO may cancel your register application and you would end up losing all of the fees you have invested in the application.
Apart from that, each and every state has its own trademark registration system and independent of the federal system. Further, there are millions of businesses that never register their marks at all. While the PTO will not search or unregistered marks against your application, the marks could makes a problem with your right to use your mark in geographic areas where these prior users have established a market.
We can analyze the full availability searches usually in about a week. These are the One and only best kind of searches to run because they will reveal not only federal trademark applications and registrations, but also registrations with every state trademark office as well as unregistered common law marks to a reasonably certain extent. These searches will also include Internet domain name registrations.
We perform initial searches and research federal and/or state registrations on a more advanced basis and for a lower cost. Such searches are used to regulate whether it is worth studying a full availability search. If you decide to take a chance and file an application based on a preliminary search, be aware that it will not find unregistered common law marks and such marks could interfere with your right to use your mark.
Licenses and Assignments
In addition to our extensive trademark experience, we have a vast amount of commercial and franchise experience, which allows us to provide you with high-quality, and easy-to-understand agreements related to your intellectual property.
Copyright Assistance
Copyright Law can also be a source of confusion for many people. We can help you make sense of determining whether your work, whether it be in the form of music, text, graphic arts or software, is subject to copyright registration protection. We can prepare and file Copyright applications on your behalf. We can also provide you an analysis of whether someone is infringing your work and provide you options in how to deal with it. If someone is accusing you of copyright infringement we can provide assistance in determining whether or not you are committing an infringement.
Trademark and Copyright Infringement Problems
Our corproots lawsuit team can manage the difficult cases and is experienced in enforcing a variety of intellectual property-related matters, including: trademark Issues and copyright infringement issues; licensing disputes; franchise litigation; non-compete disputes and non-disclosure disputes; trade secret enforcement; and commercial litigation.
Business Formation Services
When you are in the process of choosing a business entity or planning for its growth, sale, or succession, there are many factors to consider before taking each step. Our Business formation experts will help you to choose the suitable business entity to meet your business and personal needs. Corproots help you to make the quick sales of your business, the acquisition of other businesses or the transfer of stock or other ownership interests in your business to your employees and/or family members. Best company for Company registration in coimbatore is corproots.
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