Trademark vs Copyright Protection Trademark and copyright registrations are both issued by the federal government and protect 2 distinct types of intellectual property: A Trademark Process protects names, terms and symbols that are used to identify the source of goods and services on the market. In other words, a trademark is simply... read more →
In India Trademark registration can be obtained for words, logo, numerals, slogan, device and more. Trademark registration provides legal right or authority exclusively assigned for the owner of the trademark. It is kind of long process involving multiple steps. What is Trademark Search? The entrepreneur as a beginner must conduct a... read more →
Seller registration in E- Commerce business lead the path for many online shopping websites in India to make and maintain stable business. Here in this article we are discussing about the seller registration in which acts as one of the popular e- commerce site. There are more than... read more →
Benefits of ISO Certification International Standards provides the basic technological aspect of benefits along with economic and societal parts. They help to consolidate the technical specifications of products and services making our industry more efficient and breaking down the possible barriers to international trade. Making a conformation to International Standards... read more →
About- Sell on Snapdeal Snapdeal is India’s Largest online shopping marketing place which offers million number of products from more than 2,50,000 sellers. It is founded by Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal in the year 2010 February 4th with a coverage of about 6000 towns and cities of our country.... read more →