What is trademark?
A trademark is simply including the basic things we know like word, name, device, numerical, combination of colors for the goods or services etc. The Trademark Registration Process is for making a complete differentiation among the group of goods or services offered in the business field to avoid doing the misuse under a legal control. This process can be carried out for any of the feature in a business as already mentioned but the ultimate requirement is that it should be very easy to visualize and remember even sometimes to speak.
Trademark registration can be applied by any person wanted to claim who acts as the owner of the trademark or proposed to as trademark. For a business to obtain their own unique actions on their product/services is acquired through trademark registration. In order to register trademark applicant is supposed to submit an application which contains some field like trademark, the goods/services, name and address and agent with power of attorney, time period since it is used.
Trademark registration in India
- While filling the application applicant can include any name with his/her personal name and that is not unusual for the trade process.
- A word that is invented will not be defining the quality or the character of the service.
- Sometimes can do with letters or numerals or even its combinations
- You can even devices, including fancy or symbols
- Monograms can be included
- Combination of different colors or single color with a word or device
- 3- dimensional sign
- Graphical representation like sounds identified as a conventional notation
- From the origin and business goods or services are identified through trademark registration
- Quality of a business is assured in doing trademark registration
- A kind of publicity for the goods or services can be done
- It creates good image for the goods or services
- The Registered Proprietor of a trademark can able to protect his products/services, he/she can stop others who do using his trademark and can do legal proceedings against the one who damages and secure destruction of infringing goods
- The registration of a trademark is granted depending upon the owner’s exclusive right to the use the trademark for the goods or services with respect to the trademark is registered and also to indicate by using the symbol
- The Trademark registered user can get relief for infringement in exact courts.