FSSAI Registration in Coimbatore

FSSAI License Registration 

Abbreviation for FSSAI – “Food Safety and Standards Authority of India”

Every human has their basic needs like Food, Clothing and Shelter. In order to survive, food and water is essential and other things comes next to it. The quality and standards of food which we consume play a very crucial role in one’s health and other activities. FSSAI registration Coimbatore plays an important and crucial role in formulating and controlling procedures for food and its standards.

As the population is growing and in fast moving world, all are busy and could not handle the work pressure. The concentration given for the food is very less. Now a days, the quality and the standards which is provided by the manufacturers and the shop keepers is not up to the mark. There is more adulteration in order to increase the quantity and gain profit irrespective of which causes health disadvantages.

  • Maintaining the food quality levels in order to ensure safety and providing satisfaction to every consumer is the main aim of this Food Business Operator (FBO)
  • It implements the measures in order to eliminate the toxic and the hazardous elements.

So that, every consumer should receive an equal level of assurance of food safety. The public health shall be the primary importance.

The food safety standards, differ from one food article to another. But, the aim should be to implement those measures that are necessary for that particular food type. Malpractices like fraud, adulteration and the misleading claims to double cross consumers must be prohibited.

The following are the numerous tasks that are undertaken by FSSAI to ensure food safety.

  • To conduct hazard analysis test to identify hazard and remove them
  • To establish critical limits and verification procedures
  • Employees should go through extensive training and should be responsible for right handling of food products
  • Distributors should check the quality of food articles
  • Should give proper time for advertising and promotional activities for marketing their business.

FSSAI registration in Coimbatore

Every FBO involved in the manufacturing, processing, storage distribution and sale of food products in Coimbatore must compulsorily obtain FSSAI registration or license.

It is the 14 – digit registration or license number which is printed on all food packages.

Registration requirements

  1. Any FBO with annual turnover of not more than Rs. 12 Lakhs
  2. Petty retailer dealing in food products
  3. Any person who manufactures or sells any food article himself
  4. Food sale is done by the temporary stall holder
  5. Any individual who distributes food in any religious or social gathering except a caterer.
  6. Small – scale or cottage industries dealing in the food business
  7. The above FBO are required to be registered under FSSAI

Procedure for registration

  • It is initiated by submitting From A (application) to food and safety department
  • This application can be accepted or rejected within 7 days from the date of application to the department.
  • If the application is granted means, they issue registration certificate, number and the photo of the applicant.
  • The FBO should prominently display the certificate of registration at the place of business during the business hours

The above registration can be done with the help of agents and apply to the Food and Safety /department.

“Not responding is a response- we are

Equally responsible for

What we don’t do”



Frequently Asked Questions!!

What is design registration in India?

As per the Act, a design registration protects the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornamentation or composition of lines or colors applied to articles. ... This office conducts an examination and grants the registration if the application meets all formal and substantive requirements of the Designs Act.

What are the benefits of design registration?

Benefits of Design Registration
1) A good design makes any article or ornament attractive and appealing.
2) When a design is protected, the author has the right to sue the person or entity who are copying or imitating the design.
3) Design registration protects the visual traits of products/packaging.

Who can apply for design registration?

The application for registration of design can be filed by the applicant himself or through a professional person (i.e. patent agent, legal practitioner).