IE Code Registration in Coimbatore

Import Export Code License Registration

IE code stands for (Import Export Code) and it is applicable for the people who are doing trade like import and export the goods and services from India. This code is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Government of India and the Ministry of Commerce. When a company is registered with the IE code and it is applicable for the company throughout life time even no such renewal or filing is necessary. Thus most of the organizations do registering IE code at any time without any difficulties.
IE code registration can be simple with Corp roots with future benefits along with further assistance is provided to you.
The process of registering IE code is like company authorized person has to apply an IE Code application to the DGFT with the required documents and submitting they will issue your company’s IE code within 15 to 20 working days or less than that.

IE code registration Process in simple steps

1. Application Preparation: We Corproots consultants will help you to prepare your IE Code Application in the required format with the necessary documents and also get your signature in the application.

2. Application Processing: IE Code Application is then submitted to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) for processing and you will provided allotment of IE Code.

3. IE Code Allotment: IE Code application and the attached documents are once verified, then the Directorate General of Foreign Trade will allot IE Code for your Company.

Benefits of IE code

For importers: As already mentioned for the business undergoing the import and export trade activities requires IE code were this registration includes the complete work actions specially with the money transaction to abroad are maintained with IE code.

For Exporters: Exporter based business also requires IE Code for the shipment activities along with the money based transactions from abroad.

NO Renewal: Once a company is registered with IE code then it acts as a life time registration were no further renewal process is maintained for the import and export activities of the company.

No Return Filing: Once you have registered with IE code and then the validity maintenance is not required like filing the returns even there are transactions of import and export of the business.

Proprietors can have IE Code: The individual business person can also have the IE code even the business is incorporated in the manner.

Fast Processing Within 10-15 working days after the submission application you will get the IE code.

Frequently Asked Questions!!

What are the essential requirements for the registration of a design?

Essential requirements for the registration of Design under the Designs Act are:
1) The design should be new or original.
2) It should not be previously published or used in any country before the date of application for registration.
3) The novelty may reside in the application of a known shape or pattern to new Subject matter.

Is digital signature safe?

Digital signatures are secure, and it is complicated to falsify one. Because, being based on asymmetric cryptography, they have a private key, which only the signatory knows, and a public key, which is available to everyone; both are generated through a public key algorithm.

What is digital signature?

A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that is a mathematical algorithm routinely used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message (e.g., an email, a credit card transaction, or a digital document).Digital signatures are significantly more secure than other forms of electronic signatures.