Patent Registration

Patent Registration in Coimbatore

A patent is an authorization approved by the government for an individual or a company without including the production, usage, buying and selling process of the patent registered product or services without any prior approval.
A patent for a product or service that is registered is valid for around 20 years after moving to public domain. Patent can be registered in any part of the process of business like production or manufacturing, technical aspect in computer industry, machines, apparatus, method of production of product, medicines or chemicals or drugs patent etc.

Patent registration

  • For the first step the patent search by providing the details like invention, benefits of the products, or sometimes may have to publish a journal if necessary. As the details are more specific then it will boost up the speed of the patent search process. A patent attorney of our affiliate takes the request and make a research on the database.
  • If you are allowed to do patent registration within 7 days of time after the patent search your application will be drafted by the affiliated attorney providing protection for the invented patent. After the process your application is taken to file with registrar. Application filing process takes its time duration based on the invented patent, type and number of industries were it is applicable with similar product or processes.
  • In course of time about 212 to 15 months is required for the initial filing of application and then the patent is published in the patent journals for 10 to 15 days by paying some amount around Rs.2600. After doing the processes the examination process is conducted by the government appointed patent officer.
  • If all the above processes performed well then the patent is granted and later issued

Benefits on patent registration

  • Use of invention
  • Selling ability
  • More credibility

Above mentioned details are the basic things to be known before doing patent registration as a part of analysis. Furthermore registration process can be implemented through Corproots to get best service in all the types of business services including Patent registration.