Public Limited Company Registration

Public Limited Company Registration

Public limited company are limited company were the management and the proprietor has limited liability. In such a company the shares are sold to the investors which helps to improve the capital. The minimum number of directors allowed for such company is of 3 for the establishment and comparatively more requirements are there from a private limited company.
We Corproots can provide you an assurance for the service of public limited company registration by meeting all the demand and requirements you have informed us. We will be guiding you the rules and way of processing it in the below details.
For a public limited company the number of members should be at least 7 and maximum it can be. They have many similar features and advantages of private limited company like as many numbers can be involved, shareholding transfer is easy, more transparent.Highlighting identification of a public limited company are as follows:

  • Name
  • Number of members and shares
  • Number of directors and the management meetings

Public limited company registration process

Step 1: Get the DSC and DIN

DSC is the Digital Signature Certificate and DIN is the Director Identification Number, it is required for the directors of the public limited company
Step 2- Name Approval

The company has to submit at least 1 to 6 proposed names to MCA were evaluated based on the subject availability, guidelines for naming and the MCA processing time, finally the name is approved within 5 to 7 days of time
Step 3- Company Incorporation

An application for incorporation along with the supporting documents to MCA and they will approve the application in 5 to 7 working days taking some processing time

Advantages of Public Limited Company

  • Acts as a separate entity with wide legal capacity and the members in the company has no liabilities to the creditors
  • No interruption for the existence of the company until the membership is affected by any death events like that
  • Borrowing capacity
  • Shares can be easily transferred in the company
  • Process of owning the property
  • Have limited liability to the company shares